What is Wunderkammer?

Known as cabinets of curiosities, wunderkammer originated in mid-sixteenth-century Europe as repositories to store various marvelous and unusual objects. Wunderkammer.art is a concept that combines the notion of a diverse assortment of curiosities with contemporary photography, showcasing urban decay and abstract art. It presents a unique digital gallery, each photograph an intriguing item, exploring themes of abandonment and human experience, much like the historical wunderkammer's display of natural world wonders and human ingenuity.

 About the artist.

Theresa Mueller is the self-taught artist behind Wunderkammer, specializing in urban and abstract photography. Combining her love of art and natural elements, she creates thought-provoking images that strike a balance between abandonment and the human condition. 

Born and raised around the world, she is an award-winning copyrighter with a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Marketing. Her photographic work has been exhibited across Europe and the United States.

She currently resides in Alaska with her wife and family, but is making her way to the 'Sunshine State' in early 2024.

Artist statement.

For me, photography has always been an exploration in creating a work of art, each piece captivating the viewer and evoking emotion. Through my photographic work, I wish to inspire dialogue about the beauty, wonder, and composition of the world we share together.

My interest in dereliction and decay is often reflected in my current photographic practice. Each object represents a person, a time, or a moment, discarded for unknown reasons. I am fascinated by the tragic beauty of abandoned places and the individual attachment to objects found amidst the backdrop of rot and decay. While exploring, I attempt to learn something about the people who once occupied these hallowed places - within are incredible stories to be told. When viewing these photos, visually explore, consider, and take something with you.

My latest project, Abandoned Chairs, was birthed in a crumbling Belgium château and has since been the target of my recent photo expeditions. The project now spans seven countries across two continents.

Photo credit: @bearded_wonderer

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